Friday, January 20, 2012

Exploring New Outlets

Although I have always been impressed by and appreciated the poetic books of the Scriptures (Job, Psalms, Song of Solomon, Proverbs), as well as the sonnets of Shakespeare, and the writings of great poets like Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Shel Silverstein, Walt Whitman, and many others – I have never been a very poetic person myself.  However, I’ve recently been making an effort to improve my writing by writing something every day, and have begun to venture into the realm of writing poetry.  I find it to be a wonderful way to express my feelings and thoughts, and have increasingly enjoyed it with each attempt.  Although I don’t fancy myself to be any sort of great poet, and what I write may not be appreciated by everyone, I’ve been enjoying this new outlet, and hope to continue it in the future.  Drawing upon influences from many great poets of the past, as well as some of the more profound (in my opinion) song writers and hip-hop artists of today has helped me to use this new form of expressing myself through emptying by feelings and thoughts.  The following is one of my more recent attempts.

He knows that he’s not perfect,
But he doesn’t like to hide what he has under the surface.
Not a saint nor a serpent,
Only wants to be happy as a person.

So when she came along with the sunbeam,
His self-esteem stopped making nothing out of something.

He did the math, he knew he had to choose a path,
Gotta get this girl, gotta make her laugh.
Gotta shake his past to move forward,
Gotta make this last, she’s so gorgeous.

Now she puts up her walls, keeping him so far,
Her mama never told her she would see those scars.

He gave her a fraction of all he has to give,
I guess he holds a grudge because she’s still got his rib.
With her beautiful eyes, her tears he once dried,
Now watch this circus clown run around in circles and try.

Shoved in to the big book of just friends,
Wondering if he’ll ever look like a husband.

But everything is all I have to give you, and I’m afraid it’s not enough.
And you’re not so young that you believe me, when I tell you that it’s love.
But even if they come to steal you tomorrow, I’ll know my smile was yours.
Go ahead and chase your dreams and your freedoms.

Run, run wild horses,
you can’t tame those horses.

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